Our Services

Why choose us?

opinion.life uses opinion research together with behavioural science and data science to provide a uniquely accurate sampling methodology. Our approach looks to represent all cultural backgrounds, rather than just standard demographic quota groups. We believe that in todays online world this is a truer representation of the population than the “standard” model.

We also apply our research to niche audiences from minority ethnic groups to LGBTQ and B2B specialisms with our own consumer panels and our network of partners.

How we help


From killer stats to a focused piece of strategic insight, our Omnibus solution was designed to be efficient, affordable and accurate. Follow the link below to see how we can help you get the data you need.

Custom research

Behind opinion.life is a team of research industry veterans that have seen and run most research studies imaginable, across countless modes and geographies. If an audience exists, we know how to reach it. Explore our bespoke services to see how we can help you with specific projects.

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